Sunday, February 22, 2009

Gina & Friends | A Dog Blog

Hey-o, everyone! 

I just want to ask you this important question...

Are You A Dog Lover??
Seriously. Are you? 

If you say No Ignore this post

If you say YES Read on!! 

I have a dog named Gina. She's about two years old. I love her very much and I soon decided to make a blog for her. 

Later on, I thought it would be pretty boring to just focus on one dog. Why not let other dog owners share their experience with others too? Well then. I thought that would be brilliant so just this early afternoon, I created a blog for Gina and Friends :)

I made rules and conditions in what could only be written in your post:

  1. No Advertising on your post. But you can just put your website address below your name but no writing further details about it
  2. Remember to sign your name after your post!! Otherwise, someone could steal your credits!
  3. No swearing, cursing etc are especially strictly not allowed in Gina and Friends blog
  4. You can't write in all CAPS letters

Just four simple conditions. I hope it can be followed. If you have a banner of your site, you are allowed to put it up on the blog's sidebar :) 

Gina & Friends blog is opened to everyone now, but it's still under construction so you can take a look at the blog, but do not judge by the way it looks and how it has been organized. This blog is only a day old, so it's not properly planned - Thank you :)

Please CLICK HERE to visit Gina & Friends' blog! And remember - Join me! 


-Sydney1445 / Lynnzie5103

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